PGES Scholarship
PGES Graduate Opportunity
The Pole Green PTA is pleased to make available a $500 college scholarship.
Annual PGES Scholarship
The Pole Green PTA is pleased to make available a $500 college scholarship.
Scholarship requirements are as follows:
Applicant must have graduated from Pole Green Elementary School.
Applicant must be a graduating student at Hanover High School for the current year.
Applicant must be planning to attend a college (2 or 4 year) or technical school after graduation.
Applicant must be a member of the Hanover High PTSA and have a parent that is also a member.
Applicant must submit an original essay, not to exceed 400 words, on “My most memorable experience while at Pole Green Elementary School”. Essay may be handwritten or typed.
The deadline for the application is February 20, 2024.
The winner will be announced at the Senior Assembly.
Please return completed application and essay to Ms. April Corbin (Career Counselor, Hanover High School) in the school counseling office, or email her the completed application and essay to